Hey there!
I've seen a lot around the internet about
"The Impossible Project." Basically a team of awesome folks got together and decided to create instant film to replace the extinct Polaroid version. Right now, some has been created for specific cameras but it's a great start. Here is their press release text that explains it all:
New York City, March 22, 2010.
The Impossible Project started in October 2008 at the last preserved Polaroid plant in Enschede (The Netherlands) with the aim to save anlog Instant Photography from extinction; today it presented its significant result. After 17 months of research and development, The Impossible Project an- nounced that it succeeded in its task of re-producing a new analog Instant Film for traditional Polaroid cameras. Containing more than 30 newly developed components, Impossible today introduced a new, monochrome Instant Film - the PX 100 and PX 600 Silver Shade - and is therewith saving millions of perfectly functioning Polaroid cameras from becoming obsolete (as Polaroid discontinued its instant film production early in 2008).
Supported by Ilford Photo, UK (Harman Technology Limited) Impossible is carrying instant film production into the 21st century and proudly presents a new, artistic instant film material. It produces originals of outstanding, unique and never before seen characteristics, pushing analog Instant Photography beyond all traditional limits. Other than the highly standardized, traditional Polaroid film, the Impossible Films offer a new, broad range of possibilities, fresh characteristics and results. Celebrating the beginning of a new era of Instant Photography, Impossible introduces its first two formats in a limited First Flush Edition (First Flush also denotes Premium Tea that is picked in the first season of the year, typically around March, and has a rich and fresh aroma). It will be available online at
www.the-impossible- project.com from March 25 onwards, and thereafter also at selected premium retail partners all over the world.
Being the only company worldwide capable of manufacturing analog Instant Film, Impossible plans to present its first PX Color Film in summer 2010. Furthermore a Silver Shade as well as a Color Version of the larger Integral Instant Film format for usage in all Polaroid Image/Spectra/1200 cameras is planned. In total, Impossible‘s schedule is to present 6 new Instant Film formats within 2010.
Impossible has beyond that started collaborations with international photographers, who were invited to work with the new film material and therewith created a base for The Impossible Collection – a growing archive of contemporary Instant Photo- graphy artworks. Furthermore, the supporters of The Impossible Project recently placed a binding offer to purchase the International Polaroid Collection, located in the Musée de l‘Elysée, Lausanne. Impossible‘s intention is not only to preserve and protect this unique collection from being sold in parts, but also to re-open and expand it by providing the new Impossible film materials to contemporary artists.
A grand Impossible Project‘s Space, hosting a shop as well as a gallery, will open on April 30, 2010 at 425 Broadway in New York City – celebrating the magic and the bright future that analog Instant Photography is now facing.I even emailed them to ask what film I could still use for my depressed 230 Land camera and got a wonderful and detailed reply: (I will certainly be trying their film for the 600 camera I also have). Yay!
Your 230 uses type 100 film:
AND you can also use Fuji packfilm in your camera! It's lovely stuff, very crisp and contrast-y and the B&W is gorgeous.
(you can find the Fuji packfilm lots of places, I tend to use the B&H links because I have them bookmarked)
Our factory only made integral film (SX-70, 600 and spectra) so we don't have the equipment to manufacture pack film. Polaroid tore the packfilm factory down in 2008 so if it wasn't for Fuji there wouldn't be ANY pack film left.
I hope this answers your questions, if not please feel free to email me directly.
p.s. you might want to consider converting your camera to take "normal' batteries. It's very easy (I did it and I'm so NOT handy) and this website explains exactly how to do it: http://option8.110mb.com/polaroid/batteries.php