Monday, August 11, 2008

Grateful Monday and Enriched

Hello friends! I hope you had a great weekend. Mine was spent at the Cape for a family wedding. It was such a fun time! There's nothing like having fun with family with good drinks, good food, and great music. We arrived home happy and exhausted but with an empty fridge.
In light of last week's musings about how much life is a treasure, I decided to start eating in a much more healthful way. I'm always in a hurry and constantly make food from a can or a box. My husband makes dinner every night; and his is really the only healthy meal I have. (I'm very lucky, Chris is a great unofficial chef but that's a whole other post)
I decided it is time to start putting in some more effort into breakfast and lunch...time to get in more vitamins and nutrients from nature. Usually I have a bowl of sugary oatmeal or some sort of candy crap cereal (hello yummy Lucky Charms!). Lunch is always a canned stew of some sort. And the soda...oh, the soda. It's so bad for me and I've had so much of it every single day. I cringe. Off we went to the grocery store and we picked up tons of different fruits and veges of all kinds. I avoided anything from the "pre-packaged" arena (for the most part). I decided to start eating small portions of all my favorite healthy things in order to gain more variety and vitamins. This morning's breakfast filled a small salad plate...1 half of an English Muffin with peanut butter, a tiny scoop of cottage cheese (maybe 3 forkfuls), several strawberries and several blueberries. I topped it all off with my daily glass of O.J. It took longer than my bowl of cereal to prepare, but I felt so much better! And it was just so much tastier. Lunch consisted of a small wrap...garlic hummus as a spread with diced tomatoes and seasonings and onion with lettuce and a piece of mozzarella rolled into a wheat wrap. A tiny scoop of cottage cheese on the side was tasty. Lipton green tea was the beverage (instead of the Cola I always have). Again, I felt so much better! My snack, coming soon, will likely either be some grapes or a peach (along with water to be had through the day). I just got so tired of the crappy food I consume and realized that I need to honor my body more than that. It's the only one I have, so it's been time to make a change. Plus, I'm hoping to fit back into all my jeans again...most of them I've...ahem...outgrown a bit. I'm down to one pair that still fits. I'd rather not have to go buy all new clothes! Bottom line, I'm happy to have made a start toward healthier eating habits through eating whole, natural foods (or close to it). If I fit into all my pants again, I'll be all the happier. See you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

good for you! those berries look like a delicious way to start your new menu!

good thoughts said...

Good for you! I lost a lot of weight when I cut out most prepared foods. It is a pain because it's not always the fastest way to get food into your system, but the rewards of eating "whole foods" are plentiful. I'm a big fan of a morning smoothie - all I use is all natural yogurt, usually vanilla, a banana, frozen berries and some water (depending on how thick you like it). Blend it up in the blender and presto - a healthy morning breakfast. Good luck with your new venture!

Anonymous said...

Great idea and good luck! When I first met my husband, all he drank (and I really mean, ALL) was Diet Coke. I slowly started weaning him off of it and now he's addicted to flavored seltzer water. Thank God! I used to have nightmares about what that soda was doing to his body...

Erin McCall said...

Hey Megan - I used to drink a can of Coke a day. Four years ago I had enough and I haven't touched it since. I'm a recovered Coke-a-holic.

Anyways, I still like the fizz, so I drink the lime and lemon flavored generic versions of Perrier. It's fairly cheap, has some flavor, and has it's water, so no sugar or artificial sweeteners.

It's a bit hard at first (to switch from sugary pop) but you quickly get used to the flavored water and now I really like it.

Anonymous said...

As you know I am a "Coke" addict! I try to only have it now when I go out to eat, sometimes instead of wine. After certain, um, shall we say procedures last year, I can't stand lemon lime flavored soda so that cut that out! :-)

Anonymous said...

I recently read 'Skinny Bitch' and although some chapters are horrifying (slaughterhouses and the like), I thought some of the most informative was regarding the CRAP that makes its way into a lot of what we eat/drink. Skip the meat chapters if you don't want to become a vegetarian but the other chapters are interesting. And they write it in a very easy-to-read way, almost funny.

Anonymous said...

My husband is also the chef in our house. :-) This sounds like a very healthy start. Good luck!