Friday, April 25, 2008


My Leaves and Follows print from my shop made it (in a small way if you squint) onto Dooce's website today in her photo of the day section. How exciting! See it HERE. It's the tiny print to the right of the giant print over her head. My little print looks like it's sitting on top of Heather's head. Yay! (looks like Heather is doing an interview for Nightline and Good Morning America airing next week.)


Anonymous said...

W-O-W!! Congratulations!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! One small step for Dooce, one giant leap for Megan creates...

murphy said...

Holy crap. I'm a serious Dooce-lover. It must be an honor to know she's got your stuff on her walls ;)

Unknown said...

Allyson; TOTALLY. I about had a heart-attack when I saw the print on her wall. I knew she had one (since I shipped it to her and all) but I always wondered what she did with it.