Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Happy New Year!

Ahhh yes. A new and clean slate. The New Year is always like a fresh new pad of paper or a new unopened book or magazine...just waiting to be discovered and crisp. I never make resolutions because it just sets me up to be disappointed in myself so I usually think about directions I want to go in a general way--A sort of compass for the year and what I'd like out of it. Here are some of my thoughts:
-Develop my line of letterpressed stationery and paper goods -Involve more of a purpose to my blogging -Begin a generally regular workout routine that I can stick to for health's sake -Have fun with photography and play with it! I want to put more pics up on flickr. Learn to use my new Lensbaby. -Start bike-riding for fun with my husband -TRAVEL! We have upcoming trips to Austria and to Italy (I've never been abroad!) -Network and build on my design business; try to work with more local clients (I just joined the local Chamber of Commerce so I can build on this goal) I have other goals that are more personal as we all do. I'm looking forward to the year! It's going to bring a lot of discovery and adventure. Here's a toast to all of you out there and your personal goals and interests for this year! I wish you all the best!!

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